Fórum de Ajuda e Discussões Sobre Tratamentos Para Estrias

Versão Completa: Stretching the hope
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Hi folks. First, my apologies, I cant not speak your language, so I've decided to use english.

I'm a self-taught, I've read hundred and hundred articles and books about stretchmarks, fine lines, and dermatology in general. It would be a pleasure for me to help anybody who needs, I'm not here to sell anything, but on the contrary to share experiences.

The ABC of treatment for striae gravidarium is remodelling collagen. The first thing to take into account is making collagen is a very very very slow process.

My 'estrias' are white. I've tried rf subablative, prp, and laser 1540 treatments.

Nowadays, I use dermaroller and topical vitamin a and c.

Don't believe in any miracle cream, don't waste your money.
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